Contact information
Location / Warehouse
Daimlerring 5
65205 Wiesbaden, Germany
65205 Wiesbaden, Germany
Office / Mailing address
Naherechstr. 4
55459 Grolsheim, Germany
55459 Grolsheim, Germany
+49 6727 599 02 42
+49 151 4198 7472
+49 151 4198 7472
STOPROCESS, Limited Liability Company
Office / Service point
Todosja Ośmačky str. 58‑A, office 1
02030 Kyiv, Ukraine
Mailing address
PO box 19
02217 Kyiv, Ukraine
02217 Kyiv, Ukraine
+380 44 361 35 10
+380 66 252 38 62
+380 66 252 38 62
+380 66 252 38 62
Contact form
Please fill out and submit the form below if you have any request to us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
We can read the requests in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Ukrainian.